The pipes burst in Andres's office last week, so he's been working from home. Which means our only computer is occupied all day, which means no cyber socialization for me. Until now, when I answer your most burning question of what does Heather Frowow like this week? I must know! NOW! Wait no longer, people, for I present to you...
I'm in the process of making a DIY jewelry holder. My inspiration was the above image from pinterest. I found a brand new shelf at a thrift store and I'm painting it with a leftover sample of bluish greenish paint from when we were choosing a color for Max's nursery. Today I'm going to Lowe's to buy screw hooks, which will probably be a total fail and I'll end up ruining my project. But maybe I won't, and if I don't, I promise to take a grainy phone photo of my accomplishments. Promise.
Speaking of jewelry, my new favorite place to look at jewelry is Urban Peach Boutique. Urban peach is where my friend, Melissa, purchased the necklaces she distributed at a favorite things' party and I'm hooked. Hooked at looking, not buying, because my new year's resolution is a clothing and jewelry fast for the year. I KNOW. So far I'm 14 days and going strong.

I know I've blogged about Peppermint oil before, but that was one week in to using essential oils. Since then, peppermint has risen to the top of my favorite oils list. One day in December, Max got a fever. I applied Peppermint oil to his spine and underarms. He napped all morning and by the afternoon he was playing and running outside with Andres. However, that evening his fever spiked to 102.6 and he was shaking. We gave him a bath, childrens motrin, and applied peppermint again (I applied peppermint throughout the day--maybe 4-5 times in all?). The next morning he was completely fever free! The fever never returned. Now, I know you could say it was a number of things--but he's gotten several fevers in his life and not a single one of them has ever lasted less than 24 hours, especially one as high as 102.6. I think adding the peppermint to our fever arsenal definitely helped lessen the length and severity of Max's fever. So, yay peppermint! (And yes, yay childrens motrin and bathtime too!)
Ya'll. Did you see Victoria's meltdown on the Bachelor this week? My friends and I were at Kristyn's watching and as usual, we're just drinking wine and talking because who really knows anyone's name at this point in the season anyway? All of a sudden I look up and see Nikki talking to Victoria's and I'm like "quiet everyone, we've got drama!" And the room goes silent and it all goes down. Unfortunately, we did not get to hear her scream, "I want Juan Pablo to die!" I guess they just edited that in for the previews. BUT, we got something much better:
She really said that, ya'll. If it's a noun, she's gonna straddle it.
And can I just conclude these favorites by saying dinner and a movie is my favorite date ever. Or a museum. Or a picnic in the park. Praise the Lord for my husband and all the men who take their wives and girlfriends on beautifully normal dates. Because let me tell you how fast I would run away if any date ever involved this:
I am horrified. Seriously, Juan Pablo? You say you are looking for a stepmom for Camila and you do this on national television? My new favorite girl is Elise who refused to pose nude, even if it was for the noble cause of animal adoption. Seriously, some poor naked girl said, "If one animal is adopted by what I've done, then it's all worth it." You know she has a point. I can't tell you how many times I've heard people say this: we adopted our dog from the SPCA after seeing a naked girl on TV. It happens. It truly does.