This little turkey says guess what I did over Thanksgiving?!? I went to the zoo!
We were up in Maryland over Thanksgiving and took advantage of the freezing cold temperatures to traipse around the National Zoo. I was so excited to see what Max would do when he saw animals up close. (Yes, you can actually see animals up close at the National Zoo, compared to the NC Zoo where the habitats are so large you need binoculars to see the elephants. For realz).
Our first stop was at the elephant house. Max LOVED the elephants! Unfortunately, we don't have a picture of him loving them, but we do have pictures of a panda bear, orang utan, and an I -don't-know-what:
PLUS ALSO! No zoo trip is complete without pictures of fake animals!
One neat thing that happened was that the lions started roaring back and forth! It was so cool, especially since the lions aren't usually active at all! Max started roaring with them. It was adorable!
I told Max that he could choose one special treat to have at the zoo. Of course, he chose the carousel and I made sure he had an elephant to ride!
It was so neat to take Max to the zoo for the first time and then go back to my parents' house and look at pictures of my first zoo trip at the same zoo. I remember going to the zoo several times growing up and for a field trip in 7th grade...and now I'm walking around the zoo with my own child! Crazy!
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