Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Blessing of the Animals

Last week, Team Frowow loaded up our baby and his stuffed bunny and headed to church bright and early for the Blessing of the Animals.  Andres was excited because Bishop Burbridge would be in attendance and the man likes the Bishop like I like a pumpkin spice latte. That could be a gross exaggeration, but check out this picture:
See what is going on there?  Andres pretended to be photographing Max.  Who is really in the center of the frame?  Bishop Burbridge!  
 I was excited because I was sure that the blessing of the animals would be like confirmation for animals.  Wrong!  No smelly good chrism was used--just water.  Sadz.
 The blessing took place on the labyrinth outside of the community center.  When I heard our church had a labyrinth, my first thought was this:
But no.  Our church doesn't have a corn maze.  Instead, labyrinth is code for "multi-colored bricks in a maze-y pattern on the ground."  You can't really see it but, it's like this:
See the red bricks in with the brown?  Yeah.  Corn Maze>Bricks.  
Anyways, we stood around talking with some friends until the blessing began. They sang a few songs and then the bishop and priests went around flicking the animals with water, using same the broom flicky things that are used during service.

I really wanted to get a picture of our family with Bishop Burbridge because of Andres's "the bishop is the man" weirdness, but somebody got shy so we didn't.  We opted for a few family shots instead:
Squinty-eyed Heather.
 Squintier-eyed Heather.
Squintiest-eyed Heather.
All in all, it was a wonderful experience for Max and a fun way to spend the morning.  Corn maze or no corn maze, we'll return next year.

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