Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Bachelor in Paradise?

Last night was the premier of my new favorite weekly train wreck, Bachelor in Paradise.  I told my friends that I would take a shot of ginger ale every time Clare cried.
It only happened once, so thus far Crazy Crying Clare has exceeded my expectations, but only kind of because she cried and poured her heart out to an audience of a FREAKING RACCOON.  I kid you not.  And the raccoon was all like:
Clare was crying because AshLee got upset when she asked Graham (some dude I don't remember) on a date.  Apparently, Crazy AshLee Frazier had claimed him as her property.  Remember this?
Well, you'll be relieved to hear that AshLee is still completely batty.  AshLee came on the show only because she hoped some dude I've never heard of, named Graham, would be there.  AshLee arrived with the preconceived notion that Graham and her were, in fact, married already.  Or something like that.  All I know is that when Graham accepted Clare's date invitation, AshLee ran to her bedroom crying and proceeded to talk to herself.  If not forClare's heart-to-heart with the raccoon, AshLee would've been my number one cray.

HOWEVER, there is a third crazy girl.  Elise Mosca, from Juan Pablo's season is making a concerted effort to equal Clare and AshLee on the crazy scale.  This was our introduction to Elise on the show:
Then she proclaimed that she was experiencing "connections" with Dylan...as in love at first sight.  I'm telling you, her brand of crazy is one to watch out for in the coming weeks.  I'm predicting a steady rise in intensity.

As far as the guys and crazy, all the mans went crazy over some girl named Lacy who didn't even make it through the first rose ceremony on Juan Pablo's season.  I'm wondering why she was even cast and why the guys were so crazy about her?
I haven't the slightest idea.

And let's talk about Marcus.  Why does everyone love Marcus?  Apparently he's good looking, but when I look at him all I see is a stalker/murderer who probably has a collection of women in his basement.  Why the attraction?  I just don't see it.  Plus also, in one sentence he's talking about how he's still not over Andi and with the next breath he's plotting to kidnap Lacy for ransom in love with Lacy.

What do you think?  Do you like Marcus?  Explain it to me.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Pregnancy: Week 16 Recap

This was written a very long, long time ago.  I really don't even know when week sixteen was...maybe late April?  I wasn't going to post it...but why not?

It feels a little late to start documenting the weeks of my pregnancy and I get an even bigger feeling that people don't really care but:  I do.  I may be one of the only people who enjoys reading weekly updates on other people's blogs...maybe you do too?  I hope you stay but you can always click away...

I never documented my pregnancy with Max in written form or even in pictures.  I was so wary throughout my pregnancy with him because it took us a long time to conceive and my first trimester was somewhat dramatic.  I was afraid excited documentation would jinx me.  I'm a lot more relaxed this time around so here we go...

Pregnancy symptoms:
-round ligament pain
-increased hunger
-hamburger and fries from Backyard Burger
(On a side note, I always always indulge my cravings.  I've found that if I don't I eat lots of other stuff that "aren't it" to try to satisfy an unhealthy craving, only to eventually cave and eat what I wanted all along.  To me, it's better to just have the hamburger and fries once than to eat 3,000 calories that you aren't craving and THEN the hamburger and fries).
Movement:I felt a few flutters!  It's funny, because 16 weeks was when I felt Max move for the first time.  His movements felt like bubbles popping.  This baby feels like a butterfly flapping it's wings.

Gender: I'm not sure, but this pregnancy has been really different, so I'm going to say girl.
Best moment of the week: Having an extra morning to myself to take a Preparing for (Another) Baby class.  
Looking forward to: Our ultrasound in 2 weeks!  And strawberry picking sometime soon!