Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween Preparations

We're not really into Halloween around here.  Honestly, I just think it's the devil's holiday and if you celebrate, you will go to hell.
Not really.  I know some people are against it, and that's fine, but as for me and my house we will eat free candy.  So, now that I've introduced my topic, allow me to share our actual Halloween preparations.
 This year we decided to paint pumpkins because carving pumpkins grosses me out.  First of all, we did not have a proper carving knife so even if it didn't gross me out, we were not prepared.  Second of all, the smell is vomitous. <~~~~that is a real word because say so. Third, the feel of the pumpkin gook is disgusting.  Maybe I have sensory issues, but I thought it was gross from a very young age and my feelings have not changed.

I consider my pumpkin carving laziness a win, because Max LOVED using the paints!  He is really starting to use initial word sounds and has been asking to "ppp the ppp" (paint the pumpkins) every day since our initial rendevous with the pumpkins.  
But wait!  Where did you get those pumpkins, Heather Frowow?!?  Where????  WHERE???!!? TELLLL MEEEE!
Calm down.  I will.  From here:
You may judge, but I got two huge pumpkins for $2.79 a piece and the money is in my pocket and not yours.  Well, not really, because my money also went here:

This place was great!  I believe it is called Shepherd's Way Farms and their stand is set up across the street from our church.  We went before Mass on a Saturday evening.  They don't have all the bells and whistles (hay barn, corn crib, pony rides, gem panning, hayrides) BUT there is no entrance fee and you just pay for whatever you buy.  I think Max had more fun here because he was free to climb on all the hay bales and pumpkins.  Simple is better.

They had wagons to take around and we got a few random stares for letting Max stand on the wagon while we moved it.  Can't say I blame them, as the long fall to the ground would have DEFINITELY resulted in a night in the ER.  Never let a toddler have some toddler-style fun and freedom, that is what we have learned.

 Since I'd already gotten our big pumpkins from Aldi, we ended up with a white pumpkin and several small gourds that Max placed on the wagon for us.  Plus also, this very sad looking family photo:
 Max found some chairs to sit on...the guy loves a good chair.
 And as drizzling rain began to fall, we wheeled our cargo to the car and despite being right across the street, I think we still managed to be late to Mass.  
Happy Halloween!

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