Friday, September 20, 2013

7 qt

Linking up for Friday's Seven Quick Takes.

Wow.  Max had quite the morning.  He woke up at 8:00 (unheard of!) and was pleasant until, UNTIL...I tried to brush his teeth.  I'm so mean.  He never got over it and now he's in his crib fussing because I'm convinced that despite the late wake-up, little home skillet needs a nap.  


Look at Max all ready to go "out out" on a "trip trip."  He has my flip flops on.  (Thought I'd state the obvious for the confuseds).  He even has his toes through the thongs.  (Ugh.  I hate that I had to type that word.  Should I delete it and say toe separator part thingies instead?  I don't know). Is it just me, or is that sort of genius?  Really?  It's just me?  Oh.  Ok.


Last Saturday we took a spontaneous family trip to Wrightsville Beach.  The weather was perfect and we didn't even need to put up our umbrella.  Which is good, because Team Frowow sucks at that jazz and our umbrella always ends up inside out and rolling down the beach at the slightest breeze.  My stepdad, now there's a man who can put up a beach umbrella.  Anyways, the point is that we went to the beach and had so much fun with the little man.  He still loves the ocean and wants to live in it.


While Andres packed up the car, I let Max run around with only a diaper.  You only get about 3 years of life to be able to run around at the beach sans clothing, so Max better live this up.   How cute is that guy?  Seriously.  I die.


Max has always had this saying:  Everything I like, my Nana gave me.  It's so true.  His big swing, miracle blankets, bouncy seat, every toy ever, and especially his horsie.  He hugs and kisses it every morning, noon, and night.  Here are a few fast facts:

  • We call it "Neh."  Every animal is a "Neh" to Max, but especially the horsie
  • We also call it pony
  • It officially lives under the end table in our family room
  • We call that area "the stable"
  • If we ask "Where's Neh?", Max will search all over until he finds it
  • When we say, "Put Neh in his stable," Max will push him under the end table
So, there you have it.  The love between a horse and his boy.  


Above you see Max's special project.  He took this on while I was browning meat for tacos yesterday afternoon.  He got into the napkins (why do you have the napkins where he can reach them?  Umm, they're napkins.  Chillax, yo). and he must have post-nasal drip or something, because he would grab one, blow his nose with it, and then toss it aside.  It was hilarious!  It reminded me of the scene in a Ramona Quimby book when Ramona goes into the basement and takes one bite out of several apples while she is being babysat by Beezus.  So that's my text-to-self connection.  And yes, I put all the napkins back in the bag, so if you come to our house for a meal, make sure I remember to give you a non-wrinkled napkin.  K?

And now we come to the MOST EXCITING QUICK TAKE EVER EVER.  This:

Some parents have real preschool, we Frowow's have Moppets.  Moppets is the program children attend while their moms are at MOPs.  MOPs stands for Mothers of Preschoolers and you should DEFINITELY check it out.  Meetings are bi-weekly for two hours...that is 4 hours a month of moms-only time while our chilrens are being cared for by wonderful volunteers.  I'm really happy that Moppets is more than just babysitting.  It runs sort of like a Sunday School or Mothers Day Out.  There is outside play, snack, a Bible story, and crafts.  I'm so glad that Max has the opportunity to be around other kids on a more regular basis.  He barely shed a tear on the first day, which surprised me.  His teacher said he looked sad and almost cried a couple of was like he suddenly remembered that I wasn't with him.  However, he became happy when his teacher held him and then could carry on with his day.  I'm so proud of him.  

I am so excited to have Max meet new friends and for all of the playdates he's going to attend. We have an SPCA playdate in November, which is going to be epic for my little animal lover. And, I'm really excited for myself.  I mean, I get two hours every other week to just be around grown-ups.  So google MOPs, then join it.  :)

Happy Weekend!

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