Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Five Favorites: Playroom Edition

I am so glad my mom came into town this Saturday, if for no other reason than it pressured me to get the playroom organized so she could see it.  (Has anyone else noticed that I'm incapable of ending sentences in anything but prepositions?)  I am so proud of our basement/playroom.  It's one of the main reasons we bought the house.  Andres was a little concerned about my basement plans.  He thought that when I said "playroom" I meant "man cave."  However, my plans won out, as they often do because I'm a sahm and when the cat's away...yeah, yeah, yeah.

Here are my five favorite/the five only decor items:


Ze paint color.  It is supposed to be Picking Daisies from Valspar but really it's a poorly matched Sherwin Williams version.  After spending 30 minutes with Max in a paint store in a sketch area of Glenwood I was not leaving without the freaking paint.  The picture doesn't really do it justice...the lighting of the stairway gives it a bright fluorescent orange glow.  They say paint color affects your mood.  This color is conducive to insanity and impulsiveness.  Perfect for a playroom for a little boy, no?

 My second favorite part of the room is the book nook.  It's made from closet maid cubes purchased from Big Lots.
Andres:  Why does it smell in here?
Heather:  Because it's Big Lots.
They were having a buy one get one half off special, and Team Frowow's matriarch does not miss a deal.

A closer look at the closet maid cubes reveals that the fact that I nailed in screws with a hammer on one of them does not show.
Heather:  Andres!  Get down here!  Something's wrong!
Andres:  Heather.  This is a screw.
Andres:  You are supposed to use a screwdriver.  Are you an idiot?
Heather:  ::hangs head in shame::  yes...

 Readers (mom), this is your lucky day.  I'm including two favorites under this one and grouping them under the heading "book nook decor."  Above are alphabet decals from Michaels and below....

is a bulletin board thrifted from the Durham Rescue Mission.  I covered the metal border with washi tape, which is my new favorite craft item.  It's so versatile.  So far, I've used it on:  1.  the bulletin board border.  So, go buy some from Michaels or from someplace like here.


Inspiration for this art area belongs to my friend Erin who created a similar corner for her son.   I spray painted the two picture frames blue and attached little clothespins, also spray painted blue.  Gluing the clothespins was the hardest thing ever.  They kept sliding around and not staying put.  I didn't have the time or desire to sit there and hold them in place, so they are crooked and you can see glue marks.  I used gorilla glue because I was too lazy to hunt for anything else.  I'm not sure if a glue gun or super glue would have worked better, but don't use gorilla glue.   That is free advice from me.  I found the "create" letters at JoAnn's and used command velcro strips to attach them to the wall.

Below the frames is the art table.  It's the Latt table from Ikea.  Andres and I put it together and did not even get divorced.  Not even almost divorced.  We yelled and said some choice words (directed at Ikea).  Divorce never even made it to the table.  Small victories.


Aaaaand the final favorite is the Ikea circus tent and tube thingy.  These are both gifts from Max's generous Nana.  The tube has been somewhat anti-climatic, but Max really enjoys his tent.  

It feels so good to have another room completely done for the time being.  Which reminds me, I need to continue my riveting series on House Hunting and All Things Terrible.  

In the meantime, go to this little blog right here to see more Five Favorites!

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