Sunday, September 1, 2013

19 Months

On August 26, Max turned 19 months old.  I can't believe he's in his last month of teenage-month-hood.  He used to look like this:
And how he looks like this:
Kinda.  He himself doesn't actually look blurry, but this is the most recent picture I have so there you go.

Here is the rundown of the past month for the grandparents:
Max Says:
hello, hi, papa, mama. neh (his word for animal), ball, bye bye, milk, mas, agua, book, blue, car, go, uh-oh, bubble, that, yay 
This is two more words than last month.  He added "that" and "yay."

Max Signs:
more, milk, please, thank you, eat (Eat is the new one).

Max Identifies:
his head, belly, feet, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, shoulders, boogers (compliments of Papi's fine teaching), arms, and hands

Animal Sounds:
This is new skill!  Max knows what cows, ducks, and dogs say.  

Max's Music:
Another new skill!  Max knows the motions to the Itsy, Bitsy Spider, If You're Happy and You Know It, and The Wheels on the Bus.  After I sing the Itsy Bitsy Spider, he always claps his hands for me and yells "Yay!" at the top of his lungs.  I love it!

Max Loves
Little Blue Truck by Alice Schertle
Colors by  the Active Minds series
waving bye-bye to planes
electrical outlets
power cords
green smoothies
his toy horsie
the playground at the library
stroller walks/runs in the evening
sidewalk chalk

Happy 19 month birthday, sweet little Maxo!

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