Friday, August 30, 2013

Seven Quick Takes

Linking up with Jen of Conversion Diary for seven quick takes.

Max peed in the potty yesterday!  Before I go into the actual story of how that happened, please pretend that it was completely intentional and that I am the greatest, most successful mother ever.  Ready to pretend?  Ok....GO!......................................................
Here's how it went down:  After an evening of him screaming to eat while I fixed dinner and then refusing to eat said dinner, I gave up and started his bath.  Before I knew it, the unthinkable happened...yes, poop in the tub!  I have been very lucky these past 19 months of his life and he has never pooped in the tub with me.  His father and grandmother, yes, but never me.  I did what any mature, rational parent would do and whimpered and whined and asked the nobody in my house, "come help me, what do I doooooo?"  I had enough sense to take him out of the tub and I put him on his little potty.  I fished the offending fece out of the tub with a bath toy and stuck my bare hand into the depths of the poopwater to open the drain.  Meanwhile, Max was sitting pretty on the potty and when I took him off...BAM! THERE WAS THE PEE PEE!  Completely accidental, but I made an ENORMOUS deal out of the liquid gold and the man looked pretty pleased with himself.

Yes, I cleaned the tub with clorox and washed my hands a gracious plenty of times.  So don't you be worrying about that now, ok, mom?

I can't believe I'm going to type this, but this blog is sort of like a neurotic baby book and I want to remember all these moments so I'm going to.  This morning Max was being awfully quiet when he woke up and I think we all know where this is headed.  Yes, Andres went to get him and the next thing I know he's running back into our room telling me to get the freak up because there is poop everywhere.  I will spare you the details because I think your imagination will suffice, but we had a pretty significant cleaning and laundry sesh this morning.  Andres says that maybe Max possibly looked a leeeetle bit guilty, but in the meantime he's never sleeping in only a diaper and a t-shirt again.

I almost bought this horrifying costume at a consignment sale.  Andres was a devil for his first Halloween and has always wanted Max to follow in his footsteps.  By the way, I was an angel for my first Halloween, make of that what you will.  I am super strongly against dressing my son up as Satan.  I mean, imagine showing up to some church's Fall Festival with your child as a Beelzebub in the midst of God-fearing folk.  Why not just dress him as Judas Iscariot and have him carry a purse of quarters and go around kissing people?  Yet, Satan is acceptable? Not on my watch.  So a crocodile/alligator it is.

I ran a half marathon once and that right there is visual proof of my athleticism.  There is a 5 mile race in Durham on October 20 and I don't think I can do it.  But I want to.  My theory is that if I look at the above picture long enough my stamina and endurance will come back.  Sounds like a solid plan to me.  

I took chili chicken tacos to a new-mommy friend on Wednesday night.  They are a leeeetle spicy and her baby has gas so I went easy on the seasonings. 
Do you realize you just took flavorless tacos to a Mexican?--Andres Frowow
Oops.  Fail.  He was right.  I'm so ashamed.

Do you realize that I mentioned pee, poo, or gas in 50% of the above quick takes?  And now, with the inclusion of numero seven that over half of this post involves bodily functions?   What I can say?  We are living the Glam Life in here.

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