Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Five Favorites

Linking up with Hallie for Five Favorites!

Here are 5 things I've been loving this week!

Number One

These crackers are AH-MAZ-ING!  They taste EXACTLY like Macaroni Grill bread.  At least I think they do.  I haven't been to Macaroni Grill in a long time and the last time I went became the worst/funniest date of my life.
I was out with someone with the Heather-given moniker of Power Bar Henry.  (Don't mistake that to mean he was ripped and hot--he just liked to eat Power Bars.  Duh).  The waiter took our drink orders and Power Bar Henry ordered unsweet tea.  Since he was from the south I was like, "That's interesting that you like unsweet tea.  Did you grow up in the north?"  Yes, I consider that fascinating first date small talk and it's the best I came up with.  On my first date with my husband I shook his hand and said 'nice to meet you' so I bet you don't think my unsweet tea comment is all that awkward now, do you?
He responded that "unsweet tea is better for you."  Oh.  Hate to rot those pearly whites, Power Bar Henry?  Because to the rest of the world Sweet tea + toothbrush = 

Wait.  It gets better.  The bread comes.  Everyone knows that the whole reason to go to Macaroni Grill is for the bread.  Power Bar Henry pushed it to the end of the table and said it was unhealthy.  What?!?  2004 Heather smiled politely and tried not to tear up at the loss of carbohydratey goodness.  2013 Heather knows better and would have done this:

Only imagine it with bread, not cake, and no guilty expression--just smiley, giddy, bready joy.
Anyways, my point is:  buy these crackers and then eat them.

Number Two

The wrinkle rid option on my dryer.  At our old house the dryer had a wrinkle release option, but it does not hold a candle to the wrinkle rid.  I'm not sure why.  All I know is that instead of ironing ALL my clothes, I now iron maybe two shirts.  Life is good.

Number Three
This book:

Little Acts of Grace by Rosemarie Gortler and Donna Piscitelli 
I found this rummaging through the free book boxes at Homeschool Gathering Place.  However, you can buy it here and it's absolutely worth the dollars.  It explains the parts of the Mass in kid-friendly language.  I enjoy reading it to Max right now because I learn so much!  It's nice to review the basics.

Number Four
A kid in overalls with no t-shirt.  Specifically, this kid in overalls with no t-shirt.  He has 3 sets of overalls that we rotate through, then I have to wait until I do laundry until I get to see the overalled cuteness again.  And at the rate I do laundry--I'm going to be waiting a while.

Number Five
Grape juice.  Any grape juice.  Here's the thing:  I grew up Baptist and we use grape juice for communion instead of wine.  So I can't just casually drink grape juice, I take slow sips and feel very reverent while drinking.  However, now that I'm Catholic, I don't find myself feeling that same reverence when I drink red wine.  So, here's my question to you:  if your church uses grape juice, do you feel reverent when you drink it in everyday life?  Do you avoid it because it's "communion juice?"  And if your church is of the red wine persuasion--do you feel reverent when drinking a glass of red wine?  Please comment below, because I'm very curious about this!

1 comment:

  1. Love your date story! I can't speak to the grape juice, but I can't say that I drink red wine slowly & reverently, I just drink it :)
