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I'm loving my tattoo more and more each day. It's really starting to heal up and be smooth instead of raised. I'm so glad I finally got all tatted up. A post explaining the tattoo is forthcoming.
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This is a picture my sister-in-law drew of Max. It was part of her art exhibit for her senior project. Gorgeous, no? She's so talented. I'm in awe of people who can draw. When we were at the exhibit we overheard a woman say, "I bet she copied that from a picture. No child would sit still that long." Ahhh, so smart, so wise. Love a good statement of the obvi.
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This is a self-portrait of my sister-in-law. I believe it's supposed to represent the anxiety, uncertainty, and exhaustion that comes with applying for colleges and being unsure about the future. This painting speaks to me. I really relate to the tired eyes. Imagine her with blond hair and change the title to "Max's Molars."
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Last night was a GNO! (Girls Night Out) I went out with two friends, one of whom is going to give birth any day now. I really wanted a cocktail, but then thought, "What if Mel goes into labor and I have to deliver her baby?!? I should be sober enough to deal." So I didn't. Also, we are on a budget and the cocktail menu did not list the prices so I knew the establishment was up to no good in that department. Maybe next time.
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I took my little to Lowe's to buy paint, because he's too young to watch himself at home. Maybe in a few months, but not right now. Whenever I go to Lowe's I try to be all urban and walk with purpose, I don't make eye contact, I pretend I know what I'm doing. But something about a woman in workout clothes pushing a baby in a cart just screams, "help this poor thing!" and all elderly men within a mile radius come to my assistance. It's sort of embarrassing, but on the flip side, they compliment Max, and I get fooled into believing that he really is the cutest, smartest kid ever created. Because I'm not a first time mom to one child or anything.
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We left Lowe's with this beautiful color--Valspar Cut Ruby. It's the most beautiful red and we (and by 'we' I mean other people) painted our dining room with it. I pretty much have the dining room of my dreams right now and I can't stop staring.
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The 'other people' who painted our house were two guys and their business card was a picture of a paintbrush with
flames coming out of the bristles. I have no idea why this cracks me up, but it does. "We come to your house. We paint with our flaming brushes. You will like." When you read that, read it with a Latin accent. I don't know. I find it funny, but I don't really talk to people during the day, so my social skillz have taken a major drop. Plus also, one of the guy's email addresses includes the number 87, which means he was probably born in 1987. What the what?!? In my mind, 1987 is ten years old and I can't believe I paid a 10 year old to paint my house.
For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!
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