Friday, September 27, 2013

Seven Quick Takes

I wasn't going to do seven quick takes today because our week was seven shades of boring (haha, i made a book reference, aren't i the clever one).  But, it's our life and I sort of love our ordinary adventures.  Here are seven things about our week.

We go to our local playground/library  Almost.  It's actually a really cool playround and I want to play on it, but there's always kids there.  Dang kids.  Get off my playground.  Anyways, there is a small nature trail connecting the playground to the library.  Ya'll. There is an old family cemetery at the end of the nature trail.  It's gated and locked, but ohmygoodness,howcoolisthat?!?  I am going to google the crap out of that when I'm done googling "how to stop hair from frizzing" and "magic hair potion-please advise."

Max has been doing this really cute walk where he stretches his arms behind him with his palms facing up.  Where did he get that from?  It is just too cute and so funny!  We have it on video, but I'm not sure how to post a video to a blog.  Is it the same as uploading a picture?  Do I need vimeo?  Vine?  A youtube channel? Too many questions.  Just imagine the walk in your head.

My thumb joint really hurts to bend and it travels up my arm all the way to my elbow.  I was complaining about it to Andres last night and he made fun of me.  He said something about oh-no, poor Heather has carpal tunnel from too much internets and what a hard life I have.  Um, ok, just raising your child here.  And that is hard to do without the use of an opposable thumb. So, a little sympathy from blogland would be much appreciated since there is no sympathy in my own house.

Read this immediately.  I have no clue how I missed this gem until now.  Finding it is definitely a highlight of the week.

We have come to the season where I google pumpkin farms during naps and complain about how expensive they are.  Last year we went to Ganyard Farms (view below), but this year it looks like Hill Ridge Farms is going to be the cheapest, coming in at a mere $20 for our family.  Yes, I know, I know, $20 is nothing.  It's not the $20 that gets me, it's the reality that once Max and any future Frowow's are older than 2, our family will pay a minimum of $40 for the Fall Farm experience.  Ridic.  Maybe I can trick them into thinking Walmart is really a farm and the crate of pumpkins is a field.  We'll see.

I paid $25.00 to get those corn crib pictures.  You'd best be thinking, "oh how adorable."

I'm going to see my friend Lara tomorrow!  I'm about to explode from excitement!

I am super excited about FrancisFest in a week.  We are going to attend the Blessing of the Animals for the first time.  Max is going to love it!  Children without pets are invited to bring a stuffed animal for the priest to bless.  Which is a little weird, but a really nice gesture.  We are going to partake.  I guess that means we can never throw the blessed stuffed animal away?  Do priests use chrism on animals, real and stuffed?  I hope so.  I like the way it smells.

And there you have it.  Our week, our lives.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Found you through 7QT! That birth plan is hilarious. I feel like everyone I know is pregnant right now so I am going to enjoy sharing that!
