Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Five Favorites: I'm really hungry so I eat a lot

 Tomorrow I will be 27 weeks pregnant!  Almost to the third trimester...which right now feels like I'm almost done, but in reality I will have all the 30s to get thru, and I recall with Max that my stomach came all the way out to my knees when sitting, which begs the question "how did I manage to drive my car?"  Seriously.  If my seat was pushed back far enough so that my stomach avoided the steering wheel, how did my feet reach the pedals?  I don't know.  Anyways, pondering that question makes my brain hurt so I'll get a snack instead.  I eat snacks all the time because I'm hungry all the time.  My doctor actually told me that I could stand to gain a bit more weight...I only gained 1 lb in 4 weeks and she was like "eat avocados and cheese."  So I was all, yeah, avocados and cheese, PLUS ALSO...

1.  Ice Cream Sandwiches

Mmmm.  I had one at lunch, then gave one to Max.  He only ate one bite.  I had to finish it for him.  I'm planning on eating my third during Big Brother tonight.  Or maybe my fourth, because I'm contemplating getting one right now.

2.  Crab Legs

Maybe it's because I'm from Maryland, maybe it's because crab legs are just so dang tasty, but I've been LOVING them more than usual.  It's not the same as Maryland blue crabs, but buying a couple clusters of snow crab and boiling them in plenty of Old Bay seasoning does the trick.  

3.  Honey Nut Cheerios

Every morning for breakfast and every evening for second dinner.  It's like candy in a bowl.

4.  Green beans.

I know, weird, right?  But they're a vegetable, so I'm going with it.  For some reason I've been wanting to eat them straight from the can, but even Pregnant Heather has standards so I always heat them up.

5.  Frunas

What are frunas, you ask?  They are a Colombian candy and taste like the spawn of a Starburst and Now and Later.  Delish.  My mother-in-law just returned from Colombia with several packages and less than a week later...where did they go?  $13.00 seems to be the going rate on Amazon for a 48 pack, so I don't think I'll be eating these again anytime soon.  Which, depending on my weight check at my appointment next week could be a good thing.  At least there's stil the green beans...

 To see other people's favorites click right here.  Do it.

1 comment:

  1. My husband is from Baltimore. Our kids look forward to blue crabs every summer. But in the meantime, my 13 year old's absolute favorite food is snow crab legs with lots of Old Bay!
