I'm pregnant!!!!
We are so happy and thrilled! We found out the day after Max's second birthday, January 27. It was such a surprise! I had originally written out the whole "how we found out story" but it was way too long and, ultimately, a bit personal. Here are the bullet points:
- On January 27 I had an appointment for an x-ray
- "You're late."--radiologist
- "I promise I cannot be pregnant."--Heather
- "Sign this waiver."--radiologist
- "Ok."--Heather
- "Wait! Postponing the x-ray will not make a difference in your care. Go take a test."--doctor
- "Ok, fine."--Heather
- Heather drove across the street and took a pregnancy test in the grocery store bathroom.
- Negative. SO frustrated to have wasted an afternoon.
- Appointment rescheduled.
- Drove home. Checked test again. Wait. Wha??? Huh?? Confusion ensued.
- Drove to Target. Bought more expensive test.
- Went home. Took test. Definitely positive! :)
See how many bullet points there are? Imagine that written out. Paragraphs upon paragraphs. I know you are grateful that I spared you. This baby is such a happy and much wanted surprise!