Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Halloween Costume Wars

Andres was a devil for his first Halloween.  A very cute devil, and I have a feeling the costume was appropriate.  ;)
Andres Frowow, circa 1979
Because of this, Andres has always wanted Max to be a devil for Halloween.  (By the way, the irony of this scenario is that I was an angel for my first Halloween.  I will now give you a few moments to ponder the implications and outcomes of that fact).  ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Ready now?  Good.
Anyways, I was and am very against dressing my child up as Satan for Halloween.  For one, the devil is real.  For two, the devil is bad.  For three, the devil is scary.  Take away the "d" and you get evil.  Rearrange the letters and you get "vile."<~~~~say the last two sentences with a deep Southern drawl/impassioned preacher voice.  It sounds better that way.
Never fear though, right?  The chances of Andres Frowow remembering to buy a devil costume for Halloween were slim to none...but it happened!  When the package arrived in the mail, my first thought was "win the battle, lose the war."  I had already purchased a crocodile costume, Andres would be at work when it was time to get dressed for trick-or-treating, so have fun with that devil costume, so sorry you wasted your money.  
Andres Frowow did not even win the battle. 
First of all, note hysterical the  child.  He hated the costume.  Why? I couldn't quite understand him due to the intense screaming, but from what I could gather, he was saying:  the devil is real.The devil is scary.  The devil is bad.  Take away the d and you get "evil."  Rearrange the letters and you get "vile."
Second of all, observe the three-quarter length sleeves.  And the pant legs prepared for the rising waters of a flood.  Ummm...not supposed to be that short, Andres Frowow.  The explanation I received was that the above costume was the cutest option and their biggest size was 12-18 months.
Max does not wear size 12-18 months.--Heather
But I thought it would fit since that was the biggest size they had.--Andres
And a screaming child who wears a size 24 months in clothing gives this mama the win!

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