Anyways, lately essential oils (EOs) have been popping up in the mom blog world and on a local mom's group I'm a member of on facebook. I decided to
1. They are popular. Seriously. They will pop up everywhere. I think this speaks volumes. Who knows--there may be better oils out there with better distilling processes and farming practices, whatever...BUT it is comforting to know that a great multiple of moms use Young Living oils on their chilrens. You don't get to be a popular product by being crappy. Plus also, Young Living is the only brand that offers "seed to seal" comfort, which means that they own the farm where they raise the rosemary/lavender/oil ingredients and oversee the whole process. That comforts me. The only thing that comforts me more is my husband. And maybe gummy bears. And also, I may have just gotten the sillies.
2. Several moms on my facebook group use them and love them. This meant more to me than the random mom blogs I read. While I don't know the moms personally, the facebook group I'm a part of mainly consists of women who live in a small, North Carolina seminary town and their husbands are in the ministry. They are sweethearts, the group is not snarky, not preachy, and they rally around their own. One mama just lost her baby to SIDs and the women in the group have really stepped up to care for the family. I guess what I'm trying to say is, when people you "know" use the oils--well, it has even more weight than the random mom blogs you read.
3. Young Living makes the original Thieves oil. Thieves is the bee's knees of EOs. All other oils market their blend as "their blend of thieves." Thieves smells like Christmas and is supposed to be the best at warding off the sickies. There are countless blogs spouting recipes for Thieves--but why not get the best at the source? All others are knock-offs.
4. Money, money, money. Essential oils are not cheap. Young Living had the best deal for the most extensive sample kit with a diffuser. And the diffuser is the type that doesn't use pads, so you don't need to keep reordering pads to use, which is a plus. I actually signed up as a distributer of the oils, so if you'd like some or want more information leave a comment or shoot me an email.
5. doTERRA is another brand of oils that came in second place in my book. THEN, I found out through
6. I went to a local grocery store called Earthfare to price out Aura Cacia oils. They are actually a lot cheaper, but I couldn't really find info on people using them for anything other than aromatherapy.
7. Kris Carr, of Crazy, Sexy fame uses Young Living. The episode she did on Oprah stands out in my memory and she's half-Colombian, so that gives her some serious cred.
8. I just had to bite the bullet. It's already November. Winter is practically upon us. The whole idea of using EO's (in my mind) is to PREVENT serious sickies before they happen. (Although, you can use them when already sick too). In the end, you can spend ALL.THE.TIMES. researching and debating, but eventually you have to make a decision. And my decision was Young Living.
So there are my reasons. I should note that I haven't actually received my oils yet. They are currently being shipped to my mom's house. (Be on the lookout, mom). It's hard to prove a negative--how will I know they actually worked? Maybe I wouldn't have gotten sick anyway? And of course, the biggest variable is that last year Max was in daycare and this year he isn't. But, we're already getting some sniffles and I'm willing and excited to give EO's a try. Lots of mamas swear by them and you can trust a mom, amen?!? Our intuition is the greatest and we know our stuff.
I will let you know how it goes when I receive and start using my oils! I'll be like a voo-doo, witch, medicine lady!
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