Monday, December 2, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Now that Thanksgiving has come and gone, and we've entered the season of Advent, let's talk Halloween.  K?  Well, for starters, in our old neighborhood I was one of the few people who decorated their front steps with fall decor.  Pretty little pumpkins and a pot of mums that lasted 4 days before I killed it.  Enter the new neighborhood:

Frankensteins.  Spiders.  Giant inflatables.  A dead freaking body.  Are you kidding me? Team Frowow's decor sucked big and I even sprang for the white pumpkin this year. Whatever. Your house may be better, but our kid is cuter:
Oh my heart!  Isn't that the cutest little crocodile you ever did see?  Max was so happy and excited for Halloween.  Our neighborhood put on a little parade for the kids and then it was time for trick or treating.  Once Max realized all you have to do is ring a doorbell and someone puts candy in your bag, he was all over it!  He signed "more" after each house and refused to let go of his treat bag all night.

We stayed out for a little over an hour and then came home to look over the stash.

Max enjoyed his first kit-kat bar, however in our official analysis, Mama and Papi Frowow don't believe we Max got enough candy to sustain our his sweet tooth.  Next year our goal is to pick up the pace and visit more houses.  ;)  
It was a great Halloween and Max was at such a fun age this year at 21 months.  I'm excited for future years, as I'm sure it will just get more and more fun!

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