Friday, July 26, 2013

A Year and a Half

How did this happen?  How did my sweet little boy grow from this:

Photo Credit:  Becca Robinson Photography

To this:

How did that happen?  

Max Says
hello, hi, papa, mama, neh (this refers to all animals), ball, bye bye, milk, mas, agua, book, blue, car, go, uh-oh, bubble

Max Signs
more, milk, please, thank you

Max Identifies
his belly, eyes, ears, shoulders, nose, mouth, head, arms, and boogers (courtesy of Andres)

Max Loves
bathtime, Papi's guitar, all animals, stuffed animals, electrical outlets and anything with a cord, light switches, planes, giving kisses, milk, smoothies, the dust mop, the vacuum cleaner, helping with laundry, and his grandparents
My sweet Maxo is the one who taught me what it means to truly love someone.  He taught me what it means to be unselfish, grateful, and exhausted.  Max has absolutely made my life and made our marriage sweeter than I ever imagined.
Happy Year and a half birthday, Maxo.


Photo Credit:  Bart Copeland Photography

Photo Credit:  Bart Copeland Photography

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