Friday, July 19, 2013

I have a mom blog

Now that I'm a SAHM, I should probably start a blog.  I mean, what else do SAHMs do all day, amiright?  Seriously, several people have told me I should start a blog because apparently my status's on facebook are hilarious.  I don't know.  If they are, rest assured I can only be funny for two or three sentences.  This blog will probably be boring, but it's a record of my new life as a mommy at home.  I'm so excited about my new job title, I totally consider it a promotion.  I was a second grade teacher for ten years, and the title of this blog actually comes from those experiences.  My last name must be hard to spell because I've gotten some interesting variations over the years.  Mrs. Frowow was my favorite.  "See, you're Mrs. Frowow.  Because when I think of you I think 'oh wow!'"  

So here's my blog about our family:  we are Team Frowow because when you see us you'll think "oh wow!"  This is a record of our life because Lord knows I don't have time to write in my child's baby book.  I'm too busy on the internets.


 OMG, this is so sad!  This is the most recent family photo we have, taken 4 months ago!  My poor boy is going to have basically no visual record of his childhood.  Must improve.

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